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GG News: Prayer in the Fighting against Coronavirus

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 1,705
  • 20-03-06 16:32

Dear Golden Gate Brothers and Sisters:

God is with us as we fight against Coronavirus. We pray all the days asking for God’s healing. We the Session will gather this coming Sunday for better strategies.

A member working at hospital in which a virus patient found, so that she started self-quarantine at home. If you feel you are not fine, please choose to participate in services and Bible study by phone connection while staying at home. You may feel free not to shake hands but bow. When coughing, please hide yourselves by arm. Korean School closed already. We will not have church meals including Sunday lunch fellowship and Saturday morning fellowship.

The session this Sunday will discuss some other strategies like stopping Sunday agape lunch meal right after 2nd Service. In addition, you had better not to shake hands but bow, instead.