하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

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Shalom to Brothers and Sisters

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 2,112
  • 20-03-11 22:31

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Today at 11:00 am, we had Wed worship service by phone connections. We prayed, we read the Bible. Galatians 1, there we read Paul confessed that God called him in his mother’s womb. Having met Jesus, who called him to make apostle for gentiles, he went to Arabia desert. We all are in our own Arabia! As God gave Israel his words in the desert, he now is giving us the Word. We listen his voice, calling for the mission.

We all are God’s children. Let us all fix our eyes on Jesus, our Lord, who was dead on the Cross to forgive our sins. He gave us the life.

Let us all pass over the troubles, following God our Father! God loves the world so that he sent us Jesus Christ. Amen!