하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

성도를 온전하게하여 하나님의 나라를 세워가는 교회

Dear Loving Brothers and Sisters

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 1,689
  • 20-03-16 17:02

Shalom to you all!

May God continually bless you all!
What we find and experience is what Jesus Christ our Lord warned in the Gospels. No fears, no surprises, and no panics.
What we need to do are prayer and reading the Bible.
We the church will continually lead you in prayers.
Worship services and Bible studies will be made online without any stops.
God bless you all!

Pastor Eun Suk Cho