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1-12@Colombia Concert Sermon#Jesus Goes to Colombia#Luke 24:13

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 23,108
  • 19-01-12 16:57

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Colombia Mission Concert

Rev Eun Suk Cho

Jesus Goes to Colombia

Luke 24:13-17

Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmanus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. they were talking with each other about everything that had happened. And they talked and discussed these things with each other, jesus himself came up and walked along with them, but they were kept from recognizing him. He asked them, what are you discussing together as you walk along? They stood still, their faces downcast.

The way from Jerusalem to Emmanus was about seven miles, the same as the Bay Bridge. Two disciples were walking, occupied in the discussion, not to recognize who was the third one, joined the walk, talking. He was Jesus.

Jesus goes to Emmanus!

The way to Emmnus for the two disciples was that of downcast, discouraged, full of sorrow.

The two disciples were disappointed with Jesus who was betrayed, crucified, and buried. They believed Jesus as the Christ, the king, who could save Israel. But Jesus was turned out to be but nothing. Even though they heard women who went to the tomb early in the morning, witnessed that they saw the angels who said Jesus has been risen. And some disciples found the tomb empty, but seen no Jesus.

This was the answer to Jesus who asked what happened. The two were incredible of Jesus, coming down from Jerusalem, who did not know what happened there, asking what.

Jesus pointed out their unbelief. Jesus Christ was supposed to suffer these things and then enter his glory. And Jesus explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself.

Later, when Jesus broke the bread and gave it to them, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. But Jesus disappeared.

They said each other that when Jesus explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself, their heart were burning within them.

And they rose up and came back to Jerusalem. They witnessed what happened when Jesus Christ taught them the scriptures and he broke the break to them.

The way from Jerusalem to Emmanus has changed to make Emmanus to Jerusalem. At first, they were disappointed. They were failures, with sense of nothingness. Later, when they were heading to Jerusalem, they were witnesses of Jesus Christ.

Tonight we find Jesus goes to Colombia, the long-time forgotten, downcast country by socio-political and military misfortunes. The way to go to Colombia has not that been happy. In 2002 when I first visited Colombia, people said not to fly there. Corruption and danger were but two of many reasons.

But Jesus was with the people who come down to Colombia. Now the time has come when people come from Colombia to the world, with the testimonies that they met Jesus Christ. They are full of spiritual delights that Jesus taught the scriptures concerning who he is. Their hearts are burning.

Yesterday, Andres told me about 30% of the Colombian population are Christians. Hard to believe it! If not that many, it is sure that there are a number of new churches planted, growing, all over the country.

Andres has come to the US. As student, he hopes to study the scriptures deep and wide. In addition, Andres is a witness of Jesus Christ who walked with him, and challenged him to learn what the scriptures say about Jesus, of suffering and entering into the glory.

Here in the US, all we are secularized, sceptical, slow to believe in Jesus, the risen Christ. Just like the eleven disciples who were challenged by the two from Emmanus to get stronger faith, we are to be encouraged by Andres who has testimonies of Jesus, how he saved him. Tomorrow at Golden Gate Church, he will share the scriptures that Jesus explained him in the way to Eammanus.

The way to Colombia was dangerous. In 2002 when I first visited the country, most of the people asked me not to. Cocaine, corruption, and kidnapping are but three out of many horrible names. Anyone heading to Colombia had been preoccupied by fear and care.

But it is the time when the Colombians like Andres head to the world, witnessing that they have met Jesus!

Colombia is Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico. Colombia is all the countries that in the past the peoples of the faces were downcast as they were heading. But it is Jesus Christ who changed their ways back to Jerusalem, their faces with new faith and hope, and their hearts full of love and compassion to share the good news with the miserable.

We have denied Jesus a number of times. But Jesus Christ has never forsaken us. Even in the way to Emmanus, Jesus walked with us. Even in the place of fishing in Galilee, Jesus appeared to the disciples, disappointed. It was Jesus who fed the hungry, and who gave the new mission to feed his lamb.

This is why we praise the Lord who saved us, as he walked with us, even in the valley of shadow of death. He is the good Shepherd. We all praise the name, Jesus, tonight, tomorrow, and all the coming days! Amen!


Dear heavenly father! We thank you for gathering all of us tonight here at 300 Crocker. In the past we were people of no belief. And now we are born again by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. Let us go back to the places where peoples ares till in doubt, sense of nothingness. Let us speak out of Jesus Christ who has come to us, walking together! We pray in Jesus' name, Amen!
