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God is the Healer

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 5,677
  • 15-09-30 11:49

These days, I have been possed by the message that God is the Healer. Doctors examine and prescribe but they are not responsible for the result. Parents worry but worry does not bring any wish come true. Friends weep together but you may not experience any miracle at the site of sorrow. It is God who cares. That care makes change. Behold! God is doing a new thing! (Isaiah 43). The Word comes true. The Word has come to us as our Saviour, whose name is Jesus the Christ.

In Jesus, we will see the signs The five signs Jesus promised in his ascending to heaven to the believers in his name include expelling the satan and healing the sick as we put our hands on the wound in prayer. The Word is the Truth. Truth come true always. Everything in Christ comes out to be YES, and we glorify God when we say AMEN.

God is the Healer. God wants us to see the healing miracle today, the time of deep sorrow, so that we might glorify his holy name here and now. His name is YAHWEH, the Creator and the Saviour. God saves as he re-creates.

Recently as I was obssessed by the thought of divine healing, I came to get a prayer request from a long-time praying family, for healing. What a timeline God made of my life! I shared with the family Acts 27:25, the faith of Paul in God that all things will happen as he spoke! God promised of the healing; the healing will be made just as he said. Amen. This faith is the very faith of Amen.

We hear the voice of Jesus our Lord: Rise, take your mat, and walk! Everyone in his care, the living or even the dead, must listen to him and obey.
