하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

성도를 온전하게하여 하나님의 나라를 세워가는 교회

The Man Job

Look at the man
named Job

Why Job-enemy

Isolated to the world that he loved that much? He now has come to know himself but an enemy.

Stretching his hands to the people, only denied, rejected

Lifting his eyes to the heavens, only ignored, discarded

What then is left for the man Job?
How would call the man if you meet him in the street this morning? He did not sleep that night. He did not move away from the curses poured on his shoulders. He carries the cart, full of agonies, to the destination he does not know.

What if they would name you Job? Will you give your hands for shaking? You had better walk the path to the mountains ahead of you. No matter who were ahead of you, you may make your route to the heights, nearer to the Father.


목회칼럼 Pastoral Column

NO 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
1035 여자들은 웹섬김… 08-04 237
1034 The Man Job 2 웹섬김… 07-28 387
1033 The Man Job 웹섬김… 07-28 174
1032 야곱의 믿음 웹섬김… 07-21 209
1031 본향 웹섬김… 07-14 225
1030 후파에 다녀와서 웹섬김… 07-13 255
1029 영의양식 웹섬김… 07-07 362
1028 하늘양식 웹섬김… 07-07 259
1027 너희가 먹을 것을 주라 웹섬김… 07-07 263
1026 주시옵고 웹섬김… 07-07 213
1025 오늘 우리에게 일용할 양식을 웹섬김… 07-07 292
1024 후파 원주민 선교 웹섬김… 07-05 182
1023 야드세일 웹섬김… 06-30 239
1022 C S Lewis 웹섬김… 06-30 345
1021 후파 웹섬김… 06-23 271
1020 도나 노비스 파쳄: 한국전쟁 74주년을 기억하… 웹섬김… 06-22 253