The Man Job
- 작성자 : 웹섬김…
- 조회 : 173
- 24-07-28 07:21
Look at the man
named Job
Why Job-enemy
Isolated to the world that he loved that much? He now has come to know himself but an enemy.
Stretching his hands to the people, only denied, rejected
Lifting his eyes to the heavens, only ignored, discarded
What then is left for the man Job?
How would call the man if you meet him in the street this morning? He did not sleep that night. He did not move away from the curses poured on his shoulders. He carries the cart, full of agonies, to the destination he does not know.
What if they would name you Job? Will you give your hands for shaking? You had better walk the path to the mountains ahead of you. No matter who were ahead of you, you may make your route to the heights, nearer to the Father.