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3-24 sermon by Rev. Miguel on Palm Sunday

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 7,352
  • 13-03-23 22:27


TEMA: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem


OBJETIVE: To remember that Jesus is the King and the four things that he required of us.


This is a very famous chapter of the Bible. In fact in my country and Latin-American the Catholic community today is celebrating the “Palm Festival”. The People today go out on the street with branches’ tree and palm´s leaves and sing together: ¡Hosanna on High¡ “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord¡ But generally speaking around the world the Christianity is remembering and celebrating: that: Jesus is the King, Jesus is the king of the Judges, Jesus is the king of Israel, Jesus is the King of the saints, Jesus is the King of the all humanity, Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord or Lords. To Him is the Glory. But, 1. What does it mean the word king? 2. Who is the king of the universe? 3. In Matthew 21.1-11 which things were under the service of the king? 4. Who want our king who is at your service today? 5. What are the four things that our king is requiring for us? 6. That title delivered our king to all his followers? 7. What will be our future reward for to serve our king?


1. What does it mean the word king? King means: one that is the owner. Absolutely Owner. 2. Who is the king of the universe? Only Jesus is the universe´s king. He is the king because he is the universe´s creator. Then he is the owner. He is the king. (Please say with me: Jesus is the king, when I get up this crown everybody says with me: Jesus is the king). 3. In Matthew 21.1-11 which things were under the service of the king? Let us talk about this: In this chapter there are 7 point that express 7 things that were under de service of Jesus. Point 1: The disciples: See (Vs.1,2) “Go into” “untie them” “bring them” “Say this” etc. And the disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them. Why they went? Why they did?. This is because Jesus is the disciples´ creator. Jesus is the disciples´ owner. Are a Jesus´ disciple? Then …. Confession: Jesus is my King Point 2: The animals: Follow me in Vs. 2”saying to them, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and Immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring Them to me, if anyone says anything to you, just say this –The Lord needs them –“ Why Jesus did not ask permission? The answer is: Because He is the owner, Jesus created the animals the six day, he is the kind of the animals. (Aleluyah). But here the donkey means: your properties. Then Jesus is the King and the owner of our properties, then you and me are only administrators. For it our properties should be to the services of Jesus, why …. Confession “Jesus is my king” Point: 3 The Bible: check us V.4 “This took place to fulfil what had been spoken through the prophet, saying, 5 ‘Tell the daughter of Zion, Look, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” So, when Jesus came into Jerusalem was the fulfillment of prophecy that was written in Zacharias 9:9. In this sense the bible was for the service of Jesus. Why? Because Jesus made the Bible, Jesus inspired the holy men of God for to write the holy scriptures. He is the Bible´s owner. He is the King of the Bible. Then, when Jesus is your king, the Bible is at your service. For it when you read the Bible you receive blessings. When you pray for the disease you receive healing. When you command the demon to leave, the demon go out, because Jesus is the King of the Holy Bible. (Aleluya)


Jesus is my King. Point: 4. The power: Read Vs 7they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their cloaks on them, and he sat on them. The donkey was a symbol of humble and peace. Jesus could enter into Jerusalem in a horse, but horse was a means of war. In this sense Jesus play with the power. He may to play to be a king of peace but he may to play to be a king of war. Why? This is because Jesus made the power. He is the power. He has the control of the power. And He plays with the power. (Aleluya)

Let me tell you a little illustration about the donkey. When Jesus came into the people made two lines right and left, and what do you think that the donkey thought? It thought ¡I am very important!. After the people spread the cloaks on the road and the donkey thought, ¡Wau! People do not want me dirty hooves. After the people Sing: ¡Hossana to the Son of David¡ And the donkey thought that this song is they’re engaging on. Many people are as the donkey. Sometimes we are as the donkey. But now we understand that the glory is for who is sat on the donkeys and his name is Jesus Christ. Confession “Jesus is my king” Point: 5. The people: Follow me Vs. 8A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road” but please see with me: 15But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the amazing things that he did, and heard the children crying out in the temple, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’, they became angry Jesus our king have the power on the people” Here there are two stages: “Praising” and “angry for praising” Let me tell everybody that Jesus made the people. He is the people´s creator. He is the owner´s people and he ordain over the people as he wants. Why this groups was singing? They was singing because Jesus Predestined, called, justified and glorified from the creation to this group for to have the honor to be singing that glorious day. (Aleluya).

Now why are you singing to Jesus in this morning? Because you are lucky, you has been predestined, chosen, elected, called, justified and glorified before the foundation of the world to the praise of his glorious grace.

Confession: Jesus is my King

Point: 6. the nature: Look Vs.8”A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road” Look too 19And seeing a fig tree by the side of the road, he went to it and found nothing at all on it but leaves. Then he said to it, ‘May no fruit ever come from you again!’ And the fig tree withered at once. Why? The nature was created for Jesus in the third day. Then He is the owner. He is the king of the nature. Let me tell a story: Many years ago was cut down a tree outside of this chapel, but with his wood was a made cross and it is representing the love of Jesus, this is because the nature is for to serve at Jesus. Jesus is the King of the nature. Confession “Jesus is my king”

Point: 7. The feelings: Follow me in Vs. 10When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, ‘Who is this?’ 11The crowds were saying, ‘This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.’ One day your heart was in turmoil for the Holy Spirit, then you asked “Who is this” and the Holy Father say: This my prophet Jesus from Nazareth that came to your life and for it you can to proclaim today: Confess: Jesus is my king. 4. Who want our king who is at your service today? The answer is simple. He wants you live for him. He want that you say: For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. He wants you live for him. 5. What are the four things that our King require for us? Number one: Worship. Jesus requires of us worship. Why? Simple: Because he is our creator. Jesus made us before of foundation of the world to the praise of his glorious grace and it means: Worship. Number two: Public confession: This means: evangelize, to preach, to share the gospel. Why? Because he made you in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Number three: To serve him with your properties: Why? Because Jesus is the owner of your properties, you are only administrator, and he wants that our properties be for to announce the gospel. Number Four: Be Holy: Why? This is because Jesus created our body. He made our body. He is the owner of our body and lives in our body. The Bible say that your body is the Jesus ´temple, he may our body for to be holy, for it Jesus do not want to share this temple with the sin, for it we need to drove out the sin of our life. 6. That title delivered our king to all his followers? Revelation 1:6 “and made us to be a kingdom, priest serving his God and Father..” You’re a king too, and the woman are princess for Jesus. 7. What will be our future reward for to serve to Jesus? Remember, Jesus is coming soon mounted on a cloud, not believed to rise against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome, but we who have believed in Him will go to Heaven and there he will tell us: That you are blessed Come by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, an so we will be with the Lord forever.


Jesus is the King, Jesus is the king of the Judges, Jesus is the king of Israel, Jesus is the King of the saints, Jesus is the King of the all humanity, Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord or Lords. Worship Him Confess his name. Serve to him. An live in Holiness. Please I would like you to pray for Colombia. Colombia is a beautiful country; we have the smoothest coffee on the world. Many beautiful mountains and many rivers, but Please pray for to finish the violence in my country. When my country's independence from Spain was formed two political parties, the Democrats and Republicans. In 1950 there was a war between the two parties and the Democrats created politics Colombian guerrillas. In the 80 farmers were pooled and founded the paramilitary groups. So the war between guerrillas, paramilitaries and army has bathed my beautiful country with blood. Please pray for to finish the absolute poverty.

Most Colombians earn 300 Dollars per month. This poverty has generated major cocaine cartels and today many of our girls work as a prostitute in different countries and have been victims of the prostitution cartel international Pray for those suffering from leprosy in Colombia, because although their body have been cured they still remain spiritual. Pray for new missionaries to my country. We are 46 million people. 86% say they are Catholics. The 5% profess no religion. The 10% profess to be Christians, but of these 8% are Christian sects. Pray that we can build new theological seminary to prepare the next generation of pastors.

Pray that Jesus Christ be the king of all Colombia.
