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Elder Kye Ho Kim Passed away to Heaven of God

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 281
  • 21-01-09 14:07

Dear Brothers snd Sisters in Jesus Christ:
Today at 11:45 am, Elder Kye Ho Kim passed away to Kingdom of God with the love and blessings of Jesus Christ the Savior of Resurrection and Life. May God comfort the family, especially Senior Deacon Yoon Ja Kom, who are in grief of separation in flesh and you all members of Golden Gate Presbyterian Church, missing the days worshiped God together. Elder Kye Kim was a man of God snd the Bible, especially Colossians 3, where God commanded love to be added to all Christian virtues. Let us pray for the blessings in the funeral services through which we glorify God as he showed his glory in the life of Elder Kye Kim. Amen.