하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

성도를 온전하게하여 하나님의 나라를 세워가는 교회

English Bible, Matthew 25

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 6,272
  • 12-10-31 11:58

There are three parables in the chapter 25.Like all other parables of Jesus, these three deal with what is Kingdom of God like. A major character of the Kingdom of God, "separation," is focused here.

1. Ten Virgins

Five were wise, but the rest five were foolish. Waiting for the bridegroom, the wise prepared the oil, but the foolish did not. All were sleeping until the time of bridegroom's arrival. The foolish could not get into the banquet. The lesson is: Keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

2. The Talents

Three people were given talents: five, three, and one each. Each of the first two gained 100% more; the last did not, because he was ignorant who was the Lord. The misunderstanding brought him fear not to scatter the seed. He misunderstood the Lord was hard, harvesting without scattering (the seeds). But the Lord was the God of loving people with compassion, sacrificing his one and only son on the Cross. We must understand who God is. If so we will not be overwhelmed by fear. Know God and go out for scattering the seeds of Gospel. Make the house of God filled with the souls.

3. Sheep and Goats

Sheep were those who praised for their good deeds. They treated the little ones with compassion, the mind of Jesus Christ. Goats were without the mind of Jesus Christ. He did not care of the little ones in time of hunger, of wound, of enjailment, of sickness, etc.

To conclude, let us read the Bible again to know who God is. God wanted us know him so that he gave us the Bible, the Living Word of God. Any one who saw Jesus, he met God! (John 14).
