하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

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2017.02.12. John 11:1-16 "Lazarus"

  • 작성자 : 김재은
  • 조회 : 1,970
  • 17-02-14 20:29

John 11:1-16 "Lazarus"

When Jesus had arrived at Bethany, Nazarus was dead already and he was in the tomb.

Jesus said to Martha to take away the stone of tomb but she doubted about what Jesus has told her. The reason is a bad odor was there in the tomb by that time because Nazarus has been there for four days.

Once people dead we have to leave them even if they were our family members or close friends because they must be apart from living things.

But think about ourselves, once we were in the middle of death because of our sin, so that no one could have possibly come to us, but Jesus our Savior came to us and gave us a new life just like He did to Nazarus. It is blessings and amazing thing that we could have an eternal life, but should remember that it could be only possible through Jesus Christ who defeated the authority of death.

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