2016.11.27. John 1:39-45 "Finding"
- 작성자 : 김재은
- 조회 : 1,979
- 16-11-30 00:45
People who
met Jesus, they follow and wants to be His followers. It is because they recognize
that they were saved by Jesus Christ. It means we are gaining the highest pleasure
through the Christ.
those who met and were saved have a special talent to find another God’s
people. Andrew found Simon and brought him to Jesus. When Philip found
Nathanael, he also brought him to Jesus and then they all became a disciple of
tells that we also should be able to find another God’s people around us. The
reason is simple, it is we are also Jesus’ disciples as same as His disciples
in the Bible. Find God’s people and bring them to Jesus Christ, I believe, it
is our mission which will please the Christ of Jesus.
I hope
we all can accomplish this joyful mission for the kingdom of God.
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우리도 역시 예수님을 따르는 제자로서 성경에
나타난 제자들처럼 하나님의 사람으로 예비된 사람들을 찾을 수 있습니다. 그리고 그들을 예수님께로 데리고
와야 합니다. 이것은 우리의 사명이며 예수님이 기뻐하는 일입니다.
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