하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

성도를 온전하게하여 하나님의 나라를 세워가는 교회

Hector, Oral Defense on Thurs, Feb 22

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 11,484
  • 18-02-03 11:56


A prayer is needed for the oral defense of Hector Molano's Doctor of Ministry dissertation on Thursday, February 22, at 10:00am. As the Supervisor, I expect some minor changes, and there will be no problem for his graduation on May this year. Pray for the defense, however. You may get a PDF file of the draft of the dissertation in a previous listing of this section MEF.

Eun Suk Cho
