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What We Do with MEF

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 1,612
  • 20-05-21 02:35

Golden Gate Presbyterian Church works with fellow churches including Fresno Korean Presbyterian Church in the making MEF. The MEF supports students from Africa and Latin America. From Colombia, we had two students who came to the US in the studies of Doctor of Ministry. They finished their studies and went back to the country, teaching and ministering. A third student is studying currently. From Rwanda, we have one student, who came six years ago. Rev. Appolinaire finished his MDiv degree program from ABSW and the ACPE program of one year (4 units) from UCSF. He is writing DMin dissertation at ABSW. He will go back to Rwanda this year.

What we ask: please pray for the mission countries where teaching mission is desperately needed. A number of churches, but few number of teachers. All are at the risk of heretic attacks.

The world has been in the stage of rapid changes. By secularization, the US has lost its power in church and seminary. Still, they have ability to teach the students from the mission countries. Standing at the end of the ages, we need to support the newly rising Christian countries in the continents previously colonized: the Latin America, Asia and Africa. God will use them in the next generation, and we will see missions from the countries coming to Europe and the North America.
