하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

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A mail from Hector Molano

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 22,651
  • 16-07-06 11:46

Hello, Dr Cho:

Thank you for your answer, and pardon me the delay in answer.

I´m trying to make the procedures here in order to buy tickets, I understand if you can´t pick me in the airport, anyway when I have the tickets I´ll tell you the exact hour.

I prefer to intend travel there two or three days before, one of the reasons is the necessity of prepare the courses (I think that the courses that appear in the web page are my courses, the courses that I said to you in past emails), and if there aren´t any reading or assigments before I use the time read one of the dissertation so you direct, particulary "Spr reading of Luke Acts transformational stewarship study for local churches". I have read the dissertation of Miguel, and now I´m reading your book of SPR reading OT; these books and the other one that i´ll read in the library there, give me more ideas for my dissertation, because, according to what I understand in the course "critical interpretation and project development 1" I must prepare the first draft of my dissertation.

For those reasons I prefer travel before. As I said, I´ll confirm to you the dates and the hours.

I trust that God is going to help me in understand everything and extend support money for two or three days more.

In God´s love,

Héctor Molano
