하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

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A Letter of Appreciation from Rev. Appolinaire

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 28,413
  • 15-06-01 19:27

Friday, May 22, 2015

How are you, Servants of God and the Members of EMF?

I would like to say thank you so much for being supporting me since I got here in the USA for my Education. I would like to inform you that I have already completed my first year in the seminary and I am did good in the classes. Really I appreciate of your support me too I tried to work hard in my studding.

I would like to promise you that, this kind of education which I am getting in this country, I will use it to transform our lives in the village, so that our people will live better before they go in the heaven. Please continue to be with me even at next year. God will bless you.

Once more thank you and I real appreciate you support in my education.

Hakizimana Appolinaire
