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우리가 지원하는 아프리카 아이들 소식

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 9,636
  • 13-11-21 16:38



Date of birth: February 05, 2000

I am the first borne in my family. I live with my mother and two brothers. My dad passed away when I was one year old. Life in the rural area is not easy especially when you do not have both parents. We go to church and hope to get support from God. I was struggling to get medical insurance, school fee and clothes. In 2010 when I was riding a bike, I made accident. My arm was broken. People used traditional method used for muscle sprain treatment. It did not work because the arm bone was already broken. I spent two years without being treated because my family could not afford the treatment expenses. I am grateful because I was able to be treated because of the support from Golden Gate Church. I also got to school without fearing to be chased away because of lacking school fee. My vision is to focus on my studies and get good score in school. I want to be a doctor so that I can be able to treat people. From what I have experienced, when people have pain in their bodies, they cannot work for developing families or counties.


Date of birth: December 11, 1992

My name is Olive YANKURIJE. I am twenty one years old. My father passed away when I was two years old. I could not remember his face because I was too little. From that time, I lived with my mother and grandmother, my mom’s mother. In 2000, my mother passed away too. During that time I was in the first class of primary school (elementary school). From 2000, I have been living with my grandmother who is now 65 years old. We help each other to overcome the challenges of this life. My uncle who lives in the city, the capital city of Rwanda was the one who supported me in my studies. He did his best until 2010 when he lost his job. He could not continue to support me because he could not make money. I stopped studying in 2011 when I was in secondary school (middle school) senior three. I used to stay at home in 2011 and 2012 because I could not be able to do hard work. I was just doing home activities until I was introduced to Rev. Cho from Golden Gate Church. Now I have resumed my studies. I am thankful for the support I get from that church. I can now dream my future and wish to make it better glorifying God.


Date of birth: September 03, 1996

I am the first borne in my family. I have one sister and one brother. My father got eye sickness. We could not afford to pay his medical fee. That’s why that sickness made him lose his sight. My mother is farmer. She is only the person to take of us because my father cannot work due to his illness. The poverty made me and my siblings study in difficulties and bad conditions. I was blessed to be supported by the Golden Gate Church. My goal is to study hard and become an important person in my country so that I may support my family and glorifying God as well.


Date of birth: August 28, 1994

I was born after genocide took place in Rwanda in 1994. My father died three months before my birth. I could not see the face of my father. When I grew up, I asked my mother where my father was. I was so sad to be told that he passed away before I was born. I was always envy to other children who have their both parents. I used to think that our poverty is due to the absence of my father and blamed God who allowed him to pass away. I live with my mother and three brothers. My mother’s job is to make pots and other related items made in clay. The income is too low, so she could not be able to support the needs at home and school. When I got support from Golden Gate Church, I thanked God because my dream to study like other children would be accomplished. My goal is to excel in my studies to show my supporters that they did not work in vain.

5. TUYISENGE Etienne

Date of birth: April 05, 1996

My story of live is hard to understand. My father and mother were not legally married. My father was soldier. He impregnated my mother when he was in the service in the area when my mother lived. Later on, my father passed away. I was left by my mother to her friend’s house when I was four years old. My mother abandoned me and went away. It was misery for me since I was too little. I had no brother, no sister, nor other relatives. Since my mother left me when I was 4 years, she did not come back to see me. I do not know whether she is alive or died. When I was eleven years old the family that was taking care of me managed to find the family of my father. It is that time we knew that my father had died. I met my aunt who was the only person in my father’s family. Her income was not sufficient to support me too. I moved to live with one of my relatives. It was hard for me to study because in the family where I was living could not afford to get all necessary materials and fee to their children and to me too. I thank God I got supported by Golden Gate Church. Now I am studying well. I want to become a doctor in future.



I am ten years old. I am in the third class in primary (elementary) school. I am the fourth child in my family. I have two sisters and one brother. I live with my siblings and my mother. My father passed away in 2008 when I was five years old. My father was a civil servant in public institution. He was the one who took care of our family because my mother was a house wife. After the death of my father, it was too hard for us because we do not have any income nor my mother had any activities to generate income. We have got assistance from various people because of trusting God. My mother used to pray when my brother and sisters got dismissed from school. In that instance, we could get everything we need without knowing how and where they come from. Only God know that. I am thankful to get support from Golden Gate Church. I will use this opportunity to study hard and become any important person in society in future.

7. HABIMANA Emmanuel

Date of birth: April 07, 2001

I am twelve years old. I am the sixth child in my family. I have four sisters and two brothers. We have a big family of seven children. We live with our mother. Our father has abandoned us when I was two years old. We do not know where he went. He did not come back to see how we are living. It is only my mother who struggles to support the family. She does not have a job or activities to generate income. I have experience the hard life we are living since I was too little. I could not attend kindergarten like other children in the same village with me. I could not start primary school at normal age either. Other children start primary school when they are six or seven years old; but me I started when I was ten years old because my mother could not get registration and school fees. After getting support from Golden Gate Church, I determine to study hard and be able to change the living condition of my family in future. I am grateful now that I can study without being disturbed by teachers who chase away students in case they do not pay school fee.

Date of birth: August 18, 2003
