하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

성도를 온전하게하여 하나님의 나라를 세워가는 교회

Service 9/11/2022

Today we compared the story of Cain and Abel with Abraham and Isaac. The focus was on the theme of sacrifice.

Sacrifice is giving up something of value now so that you can improve your future.

In both stories, the characters must sacrifice in order to stay on the good side of God. 

  • Cain's sacrifice is rejected and he becomes angry, murdering his brother.
  • Abraham's sacrifice is accepted and he is blessed by angels.

Cain hated the fact that he should suffer and be rejected by God and he rebelled. Abraham did not fight God's judgment and trusted instead.

We are bound by our limitations, we cannot even see with certainty the consequences of our actions a week from now. So we make decisions in faith based on our experiences. But that is not the only choice we have: we can trust in the experience of others, of God.

If you're stuck, not moving forward in life, maybe there is something you love - a habit, a relationship, an addiction holding you back. It can be hard to see or understand, but the word of God can help guide us. Then, should you choose to put your faith in God and make the right sacrifices, you might find yourself in a better future than you had dared to hope for. 
