하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

성도를 온전하게하여 하나님의 나라를 세워가는 교회


NO 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
Every other Wednesday at 3 pm, we study Bible at the Avenues, San Francisco, in person and online. The Avenues is a nursing home located in the 19th Avenue. This we started six years ago. This Bible study is a part of re…
웹섬김… 02-09 237
Every Thursday at 7 pm, we have Bible study online. This tradition was made since 1997, started in Berkeley in person. Now online, connected even to Texas. We study Revelation. 
웹섬김… 02-09 156
Every Tuesday at 7 pm, we have Hoopa Bible study, connected online. Joe Davis, Chairperson of the Council of the Tribe, is a major member. This study started some three years ago. 
웹섬김… 02-09 175
Shalom!Beginning July 2021, 9:00 AM Sunday English Worship has been restored by in person. Online YouTube service is still available. God bless!  
웹섬김… 07-17 107
Because of the pandemics, GGPC provides YouTube channel English worship service at 11:00 am. You may visit church web site for the connection: ggchurch.net. Pastor Eun Suk Cho preaches.
pastor 09-16 199
Beginning Spring 2019, we the English Bible study meet at church, Kang Center, Education Hall 3F, at 8:00 pm. Dinner provided at 6:30 pm. By June 2019, we read the book of Judges. Welcome all of you!
pastor 06-25 727
Every Thursday 6:30-9:30pm, we have English Bible study at Millbrae and Belmont, each week respectively. Wonderful dinner provided. Fellowship is an andditional gift. On October 2017, we are reading each chapter of 2 Tim…
pastor 09-30 1065
We have Bible study at 5:00pm at Grace & Adam's in Millbrae. Dinner provided. On Thurs, Oct 15, 2015, we read Luke 8. Welcome all in Jesus. Last Thursday, we had about 10.
pastor 10-10 1457
Instead Thurs, this week we have Wed Bible studt at Belmont. Contact Kwang Lim.
pastor 10-05 1645
We have Sunday EM worship in English at 9:00am at the sanctuary.
pastor 07-27 1546
Daniel Kim is currently a seminarian in LA, who had a question on interpretation of Exodus 3:14: I am that I am. The following is an answer to him. Shalom!Thank you for the article. What I like is that of DN Freedmann t…
pastor 01-29 1767
Beginning December 2013 at 10am each Sunday, we worship God at the main sanctuary. Pastor Cho preaches; a new praising team leads the praising.
pastor 11-13 1737
Today, Oct 24, 2012, we meet the EM Bible study at Belmont. The following is a summary of the theme that we shall share. The faith of the disciples was focused on the building of the Temple. Jesus, instead, taught the…
pastor 10-24 2287
EM weekly Bible study this week is at 5:30pm at Mr. Sison's home next to church. Dinner will be provided. Welcome everyone!
pastor 01-09 2069
EM Bible study this week will be at church at 4:30pm. We read Isaiah 44-46. After that we will have dinner together. See you all then.
pastor 12-28 2113
This week, we will have Bible study at Kwang & Soo's house on Friday, Nov 18th at 5:00pm. Biblical scripture will be Isaiah 36-39. Dinner would be provided. God bless. Pastor Cho
pastor 11-15 2083