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MEF Mission Education Fund

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Shalom!Another good news for Rev. Appolinaire is that he got acceptance to UCSF one-year CPE program. He will study as a full-time student chaplain, focusing on trauma overcoming teraphy. The program will begin September…
pastor 01-06 11621
Shalom!Rev. Appolinaire got the acceptance to the DMin degree program at ABSW. Praise the Lord! His course work begins January 2018. The program may take couple of years including dissertation. An expected commencement f…
pastor 01-06 11734
Shalom!A good new! Rev. Appolinaire finished his MDiv program course works with seven semesters at American Baptist Seminary of the West in Berkeley, CA. Praise the Lord! His commencemet will be on May 2018 at Berkeley.
pastor 01-06 11811
The PDF file attached here is a draft needs to have proof-reading. Dissertation of Hector Molano Dmin candidate.pdf
pastor 01-06 11771
Professor Hector Molano teaches SPR Bible introduction at a village and a Seminary in Bogota, in 2017.
pastor 11-18 12951
Sandrine, one of our 20 children we support got acceptance to a university. The full tuition of the four years was donated by a Golden Gate Pres Church member. May God bless Rwanda!!
pastor 08-07 16194
Rev Andres Pelippe is a Colombian pastor, also teaching at a seminary in Bogota, the same institute Prof Hector teaches, applies for ABSW DMin degree program. With his doctorate, together with Rev Miguel Fernendez, DMin,…
pastor 08-06 16178
Rev Rushamba Burnard applies the US Visa to study at ABSW in the MDiv degree program under the support of MEF. Having failed once, this is rhe second attempt. Please pray for him.
pastor 08-06 16314
Prof Hector Molano from Colombia finished the DMin coursework by this Summer. He is in ABD, all but dissertation. Hope he finish writing the work and graduate to make Colombia's second doctorate from ABSW.
pastor 08-06 16247
Shalom!Rev Appolinaire visits his home in Rwanda. I got some messages from him that all are going well. Dr Flesher who came back after couple of weeks' visit reported that Rwanda is very active in church planting and mis…
pastor 08-06 16240
2017년 중국교육선교 교재 4권 중 에스겔서 주석서 E SPRiNG 26.pdf
pastor 03-19 17036
2017 중국교육선교 교재 4권 중 예레미야서 주석입니다. E SPRiNG 24.pdf
pastor 03-19 16682
2017 중국교육선교 교재 4권 중 이사야서 주석입니다. E SPRiNG 23.pdf
pastor 03-19 18092
2017년 중국교육선교 교재 4권 중 하나입니다. E SPRiNG 0.pdf
pastor 03-19 18303
2017 China Syllabus.pdf
pastor 03-19 18293
Shalom!My wife and I are to visit a seminary in Shenyang, China, and teach the Bible this year from March 27 to 31, forty hours that week. The students, mostly are Chinese by Han Tribes, are about 20. The seminary is the…
pastor 03-03 18474