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MEF Mission Education Fund

NO 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
이하는 웹서치 중에 만난, 어떤 설교 사이트에 오른, 내가 십 수 년 전에 금문교회 강단에서 선포한 설교문입니다. 영어도 엉성하지만, 그 영성, 그 감동이 새롭습니…
pastor 12-21 20302
Rev. Appolinaire is visiting Africa this winder, beginning December 23. Having finished the two and half year coruse work, he has only one semester to finish his Master of Divinity degree, which will be awarded on May…
pastor 12-16 19968
Hello Dr. Cho:Thanks to God, I have the confirmation of the tickets my trip schedule is:I´m going to arrive to SFO at 11:04 pm, by Jetblue in January 5 Thursday (I´ll have a connection in Fort Lauderdale FLL) and my r…
pastor 12-15 19806
Psalm 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2. He makes me lie down in green pasturers,he heads me beside quiet waters,he restores my soul. 3. He guides me in paths of righteousnessfor his name's sake…
pastor 11-30 20259
SPR Reading Psalm 131 1. My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty;I do not concern myself with great mattersor things too wonderful for me. 2. But I have stilled and quieted my soul;like a weaned child…
pastor 11-30 20578
Dear pastor,This is to recognize the honor you gave my Bishop when you offered the meal in the high class restaurant. But also you didn't just give him only meal also you gave him ride. I really appreciate your love for …
pastor 11-11 20846
Mwakoze cyane Arch,Gusa mwegucika intege niko bigenda , barayikwima bageraho bakayiguha. Gusa wandikire ubuyozi bw,ishuri ubasabe ko bakwizaho gato muri next semester, izatangira mukwakabiri, nzabasaba bakoherereze izind…
pastor 11-11 21079
Dear pastor,It was very great yesterday to see your professor, I understand how you was happy to host your professor in your ministry. It is the same as when I will graduate and you come in African to visit my ministry t…
pastor 10-24 21096
BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL BASIS FOR THE DMIN DISSERTATION:teaching Separation-Placement-Rest (SPR) as a new method of biblical interpretation that encourage peace in Colombia using the book of Micah Héctor Hernán Mola…
pastor 10-08 21514
I taught the class, entitled "Culture and Mission," for SFTS in the DMin degree program two times, some years in the past. Cultural relativism seems to be a solution by the collision among the cultures, put to Samuel Hun…
pastor 09-30 21348
Shalom! Rev Rushamba, a Rwandan pastor student of me when I taught in 2012, was supposed to come to ABSW this fall semester to start his studies in MDiv degree program. The US visa was not given to him, this time. Let us…
pastor 09-27 21495
August 24, 2016Dear Rev. Cho,I would like to greet you and informing you that I have I arrived in USA right now. I am sorry I didn't check my e-mail for long time. About Bernard Rushamba , he had no passport he got it ju…
pastor 08-25 21472
July 26, 2016 Dear Mr Hector Molano Shalom! A book by David Gerald Hagstrom, The Coherence of the Book of Micah. A Literary Analysis (1982) as of a SBL Dissertation series 89, is found. This helps you as working with…
pastor 08-05 21200
Hello Dr. Cho:Thanks to God, I arrived well, it was a long trip with a delay in SFO and tight time in Houston for take the other flight, fortunatelly everything was on time.I want to express my thanks to you and to the c…
pastor 08-05 20944
2016년 7월 30일콜롬비아 선교통신 주님의 은혜 중 평안하셨습니까? 그동안 있었던 몇 가지 일들을 중…
pastor 08-05 20485
2016년 8월 조은석 목사님께, 안녕하셨습니까?엑돌 몰라노형제가 7월 공부를마치고 잘 돌아왔습니다.조 목사님과 금문교회, 그리고 학교에 감사를 드립니다.콜롬비…
pastor 08-05 19823