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8-28-16 Letter from Rev Appo

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 21,079
  • 16-11-11 17:08

Mwakoze cyane Arch,

Gusa mwegucika intege niko bigenda , barayikwima bageraho bakayiguha. Gusa wandikire ubuyozi bw,ishuri ubasabe ko bakwizaho gato muri next semester, izatangira mukwakabiri, nzabasaba bakoherereze izindi forms za I-20 nshyashya. Humura bazayiguha ubutaha tuzashaka impamvu batayiguhaye.
Umuvandimwe wanyu,

On Sunday, August 28, 2016 5:12 PM, hakizimana appolinary <esppolo@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear Admission officer,

I would like to greet you, and informing you that your new student Rushamba Bernard from Rwanda had denied visa by American Embassy in Rwanda. My opinion on this issue is that you could postpone his application at next Winter semester, so that he will have another chance to reapply for visa. Here I am sending to you his photo copy of his passport,if there is other required document in order to reapply please let us know.
Thank very much for your help.

Your student, Appolinaire.
