하나님께 가까이 함이 내게 복이라(시편73:28)

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A letter from Prof Hector Molano

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 19,806
  • 16-12-15 18:22

Hello Dr. Cho:

Thanks to God, I have the confirmation of the tickets my trip schedule is:

I´m going to arrive to SFO at 11:04 pm, by Jetblue in January 5 Thursday (I´ll have a connection in Fort Lauderdale FLL) and my return to Colombia will be on January 23 monday at 10:27 pm.

In these days the dollar in COlombia is so expensive for that reason travel with Jetblue is cheaper than United, in this way I´m going to arrive to international airport terminal in SFO. Then, I have a special request to you, as you know the hour of arrive is to late, because this trip was the cheapest, maybe would you please pick me up in the airport?

About housing, Sally wrote to me and she said that I could stay in the Apollo´s room, she also wrote that she sent to you an email about this.

I´ll wait your answer and thanks again for everything that you do for help me in this studies.

In God´s love,

Héctor Molano


16-12-15 18:24
Dear Brother HectorShalom!Yes, I will give you a ride to Berkeley that night. Welcome! Prepare a sermon on Sunday.Peace, ESCSent from my iPhone