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EM Bible of Matt 24 on Oct 24, 2012, at Belmont

  • 작성자 : pastor
  • 조회 : 2,286
  • 12-10-24 16:13

Today, Oct 24, 2012, we meet the EM Bible study at Belmont. The following is a summary of the theme that we shall share.

The faith of the disciples was focused on the building of the Temple. Jesus, instead, taught them the building would be destroyed totally. By indicating the fact of the destruction of the Temple as a building, Jesus made the fact clear: the Temple of the Spirit is the body of Jesus Christ Himself. The disciples needed to get to Jesus Himself beyond the building Temple. The Roman destruction of the Temple in AD 70 was the historical realization of the prophecy of Jesus Christ.

What Jesus prophecized in Chapter 24 is not just about the destruction of the building Temple; it was about the last days before Jesus' Second Coming. A number of false prophets would appear, identifying themselves as Christ. We shall not believe people when they say, "See, Christ is here!" or "Yes, He is there!" Jesus Christ will be known to all of us as He would be revealed by God. Yes, it is a matter of revelation, not of any reasoning. Just as God be revealed in the Bible, He will be revealed. Christians would be persecuted in the name of Jesus.

What we need to do is to be faithful, shepharding the sheep Jesus asked us to feed. When the Lord comes, we would be blessed when He see us feeding His sheep according to season. If someone presumes the Lord come late and does not feed His sheep properly, the time will come to him suddenly when the Lord punish him and assign him at the place where he would gnash his teeth.

To conclude, we need to see Jesus beyond the building of the world; we need here the voice of Jesus beyond the voices of the world. We need to have time for reading the Bible and listen to the Word so that we be ready for the coming of Jesus. It is the end of the time; all we need to know the signs of the time. Who are the sheep Jesus asked us to feed? They are all staying around us. What do we do for them?
